Here's a crappy photo of my make-up vanity! I finally tidied it up. It'll just be a brief description of what i have where.
Inside le left hand draw; foundations and concealers at the front, powders and primers behind. Lipsticks at the front with pencils and more face powder behind.
Le right draw; closest are liners and mascara's. The front of the draw are some mac eye products, other eyeshadows etc. Behind that are blushes, mainly mac, benefit and dior as well as bronzers. Then behind that are small eye shadow palettes and some singles. Behind that is a small bag of blushes and a pair of false lashes.
And there's more! All the stuff in the draws is what i use most often (if at all). All this stuff is the rest of my make-up that hasn't really found a home and will occasionally see the sun. I use art boxes for storage and then i have smaller bags for all my 'leftovers'. And then i have a bag of samples. I like to keep stuff to try out or have it ready incase i stay away from home.
And finally, i just had to share my mac lipsticks as they are SO PRETTY!!!!!